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RJ By You is a micro-grant fund to grow reproductive justice activism in Missouri and South Dakota.
Individuals and activist groups can apply for up to
$2500 to take action to bring attention to
reproductive justice (“RJ”) or to create change in
their communities.
We particularly encourage young people with ties to rural, LGBTQIA, and minority communities communities to apply.
Animamos especialmente a personas jóvenes con vínculos con la comunidad hispana a presentar su solicitud.
Oceti Sakowin Oyate blehiciya upe
हामी विशेष गरी नेपाली समुदायसँग सम्बन्ध भएका युवाहरूलाई आवेदन दिन प्रोत्साहित गर्छौं।
ከኢትዮጵያ ማህበረሰብ ጋር የቅርብ ግንኙነት ያላቸው ወጣቶች እንዲያመለክቱ እናበረታታለን።

Micro-grants for reproductive justice projects
Missouri & South Dakota residents are eligible. BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and rural young people are encouraged to apply
Applications open January 2024
Applicants can request up to $2500 for their project

Why Reproductive Justice?Reproductive justice (RJ) is a term that Black women first created, and it means the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. You can learn more here. We support RJ projects because we believe that access to abortion is just one important issue among many others that impact our power to make healthy decisions about our bodies and lives. We are committed to uplifting leaders from impacted communities and putting their priorities for reproductive justice at the center.
Why Micro-Grants?First, to get money into the hands of young leaders to carry out projects that are important to you and your communities. Second, to meet grassroots leaders in our large, mainly rural states, and connect us with each other, to build a network of young activists in each state to work for more social change. Third, to find out more about youth priorities for RJ in red states, and how national funders can support more work in those priority areas.
Why Missouri & South Dakota?We are repro leaders from these two conservative Midwestern states with total abortion bans. And we’ve decided to collaborate on this project, sharing our resources and expertise to foster grassroots RJ activism in our states. Learn more about abortion bans in Missouri and South Dakota.
What types of projects does RJ By You fund?Here are some of our ideas for potential activism - but we want to hear yours! So feel free to be big and bold with your plans! You could ask for: Funding for paint and an artist-mentor’s time to create a mural on maternal mortality or safe, healthy families in a reservation community; Funding for abortion doula training for a youth abortion doula collective; Funds for emergency contraception, pregnancy tests and stickers to distribute for free in your communitys; Money to buy books for an RJ- book club to build the knowledge and skills of future leaders; Money to pay for on-campus activist or education events, for example covering food and drink for a series of movie nights about abortion and reproductive justice, or paying for travel costs for an indigenous activist to speak about an RJ issue of importance to young Native leaders; Funding for a pilot project to provide free menstrual products in bathrooms (M/F and unisex) on a campus or through community groups that help the unhoused; Money to pay for the design and printing of stickers with links to resources for obtaining a safe abortion, stickers that activists can place in bathroom stalls in bars, coffee shops and campus buildings.
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